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Why throw away when we can feed the population !

Food waste: a sad reality

With a rich country like Canada, it is unthinkable that children do not have enough to eat, but this is the reality for too many children. 1 in 10 Canadians use a food banks to eat. This situation of hunger is not due to a lack of food resources, but rather to a capitalist vision and poor management of resources.

Far to much food is throw awa: 60% of the food produced in Canada end up in the trash (24% of is lost production and 34% in processing).

There are so many ways to combat food waste. One of them is very simple. It is to give and not to throw.

At La Bouchée généreuse, we work hard to save as much food as possible and raise awareness among the industry, wholesalers, farmers and grocers. There are more people aware of the cause, but still too much healthy and perfectly edible food goes into the composter or the incinerator.

Why throw away when we can feed the population !

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